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rich fork church
3993 Old Highway 29
Thomasville, NC 27360
336.476.6258 | map
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Just everyday people who are called to serve the Lord at Rich Fork Church. We are passionate about the Gospel and sharing Jesus with those around us. We don't have all the answers, but we know the One who does!
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Why are you passionate about serving Rich Fork?
Serving as an Elder is a ministry calling, a great privilege, and a responsibility that carries eternal significance. The Holy Spirit has given me a desire to shepherd in the local church. Colossians 1:28 speaks of proclaiming Christ, admonishing, and teaching in wisdom, with the goal of growing people in Christian maturity. That is the heartbeat of being an Elder. But, it is far more responsibility than one person can carry. That is why I am thankful that the Bible gives us instruction for a plurality of Elders to share the load. Elders carry a great responsibility to shepherd well because they will give an account to the Lord for the souls of the people that they are in the congregation (Hebrews 13:17). I am passionate about the role of Elder at Rich Fork Baptist Church because God has called me to it in order to be a part of what He is doing in this congregation and community.
Dark Chocolate
Sanford, NC
scripture keeping me accountable
matthew 6:33
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Why are you passionate about serving Rich Fork?
I LOVE Rich Fork Church; and I want to protect, lead, and teach the flock in a biblical manner that is pleasing to the Lord!
Thomasville, NC
scripture keeping me accountable
john 17:17
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Why are you passionate about serving Rich Fork?
When we came to Rich Fork, we saw a church where God was moving. We believe God gifts His people for His work and gives us life experiences to complete the vision and mission of His church. When I received the call to consider becoming a part of the Elder team, I was sort of in shock. You immediately ask why me and knowing how unworthy we are to this calling it took several days of head and heart discussions before I came to a peace about this decision. I believe a biblically obedient fellowship will change the community by allowing Christ to change us first and then change others as we share His message with them. We found in Rich Fork a community where God was moving, and where leadership was creative and passionate about their vision and mission to shape our community by sharing the grace of Jesus Christ.
Animal Crackers
Kenova, WV
scripture keeping me accountable
luke 16:10
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Why are you passionate about serving Rich Fork?
My parents were Christ Followers and modeled a love for and service to the church. Through the various stages of my life since leaving home, the church community has been fundamental in my spiritual growth and maturity. The move of Rich Fork toward the biblical model of elder leadership has been a very enlightening process, making me more aware of the importance of protecting the flock from the enemy. Therefore, serving as an elder has provided me an opportunity to continue grow in my love for and service to the church. Additionally, serving with the other elders has been a tremendous encouragement to me in the growth of my relationship with the Lord and the knowledge of His Word.
Filet Mignon
Jacksonville, NC
scripture keeping me accountable
1 peter 3:15
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Why are you passionate about serving Rich Fork?
Through all the years of attending Rich Fork it has been a special place. I have watched God use different men and ladies in my life to see what it is to serve. I have been blessed to serve with youth, college & career, and adults.
So thankful to attend a church that children through senior adults are so important. That has been the mission of Rich Fork and led me to Christ at a young age and continue to serve.
As an Elder I want to be a part of continuing these ministries: Childrens, Special Needs, Missions, & Adult Ministries.
Thomasville, NC
scripture keeping me accountable
matthew 14:33
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Why are you passionate about serving Rich Fork?
I believe Rich Fork to be a sound doctrinal church with many people who truly want to serve the Lord. I promised God many years ago that when He opened a ministry door, I would be willing to step through it. While I'm on this earth I want to help as many people as I can to have a deep relationship with Jesus Christ.
Lexington, NC
scripture keeping me accountable
ACTS 1:8
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worship pastor
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executive pastor
email justin
email matt
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head pastor & teaching Elder
email michael
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Why are you passionate about serving Rich Fork?
The 2022 Census estimates the population of Davidson County to be approximately 172,586; of those, approximately 25%-35% are involved in the local evangelical church. This means that over 110,000 people in our county are either not in a relationship with God or do not prioritize their relationship with God.
As East Davidson graduates, my wife and I have always felt our calling was to minister and reach people from our home area. God has led us to Rich Fork as part of our calling. God’s plan to reach the world is through his people, the church. I am continually humbled and amazed at the individuals and families God brings to Rich Fork to reach the world with His good news.
Thomasville, NC
scripture keeping me accountable
job 38
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Why are you passionate about serving the Lord at Rich Fork?
When we recognize the relationship between who God is (Sovereign, uncreated, holy, worthy, perfect) and begin to understand who we are (broken, guilty, in need of Hope and Salvation) we can't help but respond in worship.
Our worship is not about finding our identity, but about praising, honoring, and worshipping God for His, for who He is!! It's an honor that I and our worship teams do not take lightly. We get to play a part in pointing people to Jesus, in helping them understand who He is and who they are and their need for Him. We also get to celebrate the life-changing transformation that only comes in a life surrendered to God and His will.
Lexington, NC
scripture keeping me accountable
Hosea 6:6
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Why are you passionate about serving Rich Fork?
For the past twenty-five years, my family has been privileged to serve through the ministries at Rich Fork. When we stepped onto the property for a visit in 1997, Emily and I knew this was the church God was leading us. Little did we know that God was placing us in a church and community where we had the honor to raise our four children, continue to grow in ministry, and fall in love with Rich Fork.
Quite honestly, if I lived in Davidson County and did not serve at Rich Fork, I would attend Rich Fork because of its heritage, and history, as well as the continued commitment to sharing the grace and truth of Jesus Christ, by believing that every follower of Jesus Christ should be prepared to make disciples of those in their lives, in their workplace and wherever God calls them to go. (Matthew 28:18-20)
I’m humbled to serve as the pastor to this incredible congregation and cannot wait to see what God has in store for us as we continue to be FOR our community.
Charlotte, NC
scripture keeping me accountable
ephesians 3:20-21
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discipleship pastor
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student pastor
email andrew
email caleb
missions & senior adults pastor
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Why are you passionate about serving the Lord at Rich Fork?
I believe Rich Fork is exactly where God has led my family and I to serve his church and advance his kingdom!
I am passionate about spreading the glory of God through faithful proclamation of His Word and taking part in discipling others so their lives can be transformed by the Gospel.
Chips & Salsa
Jonesboro, GA
scripture keeping me accountable
matthew 28:18-20
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Why are you passionate about serving Rich Fork?
I had been saved for about 8 hours when the pastor of my home church in Colorado asked me if he could “disciple” me. He showed me what “life-on-life” discipleship looks like as he climbed into the trenches of life with me. I was on a dark and sinful path prior to becoming a Christian, and therefore know the power of Jesus Christ and the Word that changed my life.
I am passionate about “life-on-life” discipleship, climbing into the trenches of life with others, and teaching them how to do the same as we all learn how to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, and mind, love one another, and teach others how to live the truths of Jesus Christ and His Word.
Yoder, CO
scripture keeping me accountable
psalm 51:16-17
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Why are you passionate about serving Rich Fork?
I love serving and helping people. I love using my talents and my desire of working with my hands to help meet the physical needs of people as well as their spiritual needs.
Working with the senior adults brings me joy in gaining knowledge and wisdom from them. They so often minister to me instead of me ministering to them.
Our job as believers are to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Meat on a Smoker
whole life!
Thomasville, NC
scripture keeping me accountable
colossians 3:23
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awana coordinator
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preschool director
email rebecca
email audrey
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family ministries director
email kelly
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Why are you passionate about serving Rich Fork?
I have always been passionate about preschoolers and their families. I love their eagerness to learn, their innocence, and their energy. Preschoolers are so teachable, especially when taught the way they learn!
It can be a hard phase for parents and I love partnering with them during this rapid stage of growth in their child's (children's) life.
Mellow Yello Zero
Florence, SC
scripture keeping me accountable
1 peter 4:10
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fun facts about me fun facts about me fun facts about me FUN FACTS ABOUT ME FUN FACTS ABOUT ME FUN FACTS ABOUT ME
Why are you passionate about serving Rich Fork?
Rich Fork is home. It and the people within this church have been such a major part of my life during crucial moments, spiritual and non-spiritual.
I believe in Rich Fork's vision of shaping our community by sharing the grace of Jesus and have loved being a part of living that out through the various ways our church serves it's community.
Dark Chocolate
Thomasville, NC
scripture keeping me accountable
romans 12:2
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Why are you passionate about serving Rich Fork?
IT'S IMPORTANT! Every opportunity we can to teach children and families about what Jesus has done for them, is IMPORTANT!
We don’t entertain children but share truths that can change their life’s forever!
Davidson County, NC
scripture keeping me accountable
mark 10:45
office manager
administrative assistant
email sheila
email mickey
A/V Director
email joshua
Adam Flasch
Bill York
Daniel Jacobsen
David Clodfelter
David Nance
David Richards
Guy Springer
Jesse Teetor
Joe Gailey
Johnny Craven
Karl Milliren
Patrick Figgatt
Paul Housand
Roger Ferguson
Sam Swaim