our ultimate goal...

We want to equip you to know how to be a disciple of Jesus Christ so you can share His grace and truth with others. 

Disciples who make disciples.

Discipleship is at the heart of our church and everything we do. Our goal is never about numbers or completion, but about lasting transformation. It is ok to grow slow but intentional.

values as disciple makers

  • Truth of God's Word
  • Relationships with others
  • Teachable spirit that is willing to grow and open to God changing everything about you

How We GROW with Christ






Give your
life to Christ

Real-Time with God

Act in Obedience

Commit to Accountability

Engage Your World


Young Adults


Explore Adult Ministries

Ways to Serve

ages 18 and up

ages 18-25

ages 55 plus

GROW Opportunities

GROW groups & sunday school classes FOR MEN, WOMEN, AND COUPLES

We all need community in our lives to grow as disciples and to make disciples of Jesus. We were made for it. No matter your season in life, or the struggles you face, you are not alone.

GROW Groups at Rich Fork are a great way to engage with fellow believers and grow deeper in your walk with the Lord. We have groups for men, women, married couples, newlyweds, empty nesters, and young adults, so there's a place for everyone.

explore groups

group interest

If you would like to get connected, you can either view our current groups or fill out our GROW Group interest form and our Discipleship Pastor, Andrew Ward, will help you find a group that works best for you!

WEEKLY groups

sundays at 9:30 am & 11:00 am - sunday school classes

wednesdays from 6:00 pm - 7:30 PM GROW groups

various nights throughout week - GROW groups

** Childcare is available on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.

 Contact our Discipleship Pastor, Andrew Ward, to share your interest. 

Interested in leading a GROW Group?

we would love to hear more about you and your interest.

contact andrew

- charlotte H.

From the minute my family stepped into Rich Fork, we have felt at home. It is a large church but always welcoming and loving. The Sunday School small group is where close bonds really form.

- tara P.

"In our small group sometimes we discover we are experiencing similar challenges and it helps to know we are not alone in our struggles and trials."

Training Classes


We were created to do life with God and with others, yet so many of us often end up stumbling through our faith journey alone. It should not be this way!

Throughout scripture we are encouraged, and even commanded, to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ. This of course requires us to be in community, not alone.

This training will dive into core truths to help prepare you to be a disciple who makes disciples. We will look at the importance of heart posture, accountability, honest testimonies, intentional time with God, Bible study, prayer, worship, and the logistics of leading through one-on-one, larger groups settings, and life-on-life community.

Young Adults

Are you a young adult, age 18-25, in college, in a new career, or perhaps just trying to survive adulting? We would love to connect with you through our Rich Fork Young Adults ministry and GROW groups that meet you in your current season of life.

Our Rich Fork Young Adults Ministry is made up of both large group times and smaller GROW groups of young adults who gather on Sunday mornings and Thursday nights to do life together, dive into weekly sermons, bible study, encourage one another, pray together, worship together, and live out the call of Jesus Christ to be disciples who make disciples.  

Our Focus


These are goals for our young adults:
  • Evangelism
  • Discipleship
  • Community

sunday mornings @ 9:30 am in room 205

ages 18 to 25

large group every 2nd and 4th thursday of the month@ 7pm in room 205

GROW GROUPS every 1st and 3rd thursday of the month @ 7pm in group leaders' homes

Connect with us!

we would love to help! 

grow groups

Do you have questions about adult groups, classes, or GROW opportunities?

reach out to our discipleship pastor who will help you find the best place to connect!

Andrew Ward

discipleship pastor | contact

"We are passionate about loving God, loving others, and loving and teaching God’s Word. We want to make disciples who love God and others with their whole hearts and who are willing and able to make disciples who will do the same. This is not something we do alone, but rather together, which is what makes our groups, our classes, and our times of teaching so vital to our faith journey."

it is a privilege to rejoice with others

"It is simultaneously an undeserved gift and responsibility to encourage brothers in Christ to know, lean on, and love the Gospel.

in their growth in relationship with Christ while also being challenged in my knowledge and understanding of Scripture which brings growth for me as well.

- Daniel J.

Senior Adults

Our senior adult ministry encourages those in our church body who are 55+ to engage in activities that foster spiritual growth, outreach activities, and wholesome fellowship events.

monthly fellowship

trips for senior adults

Each month we gather for lunch and fellowship. Click the link below for a yearly schedule of our monthly lunches and what food items are needed.

large group opportunities to connect

Each year our senior adults will take two chartered day trips and one overnight trip. Trips for 2024 are already fully booked, but trips for 2025 will be determined in December.

periodic adventures

ages 55+

Resources & Schedules

don't miss a chance to connect


monthly schedule

Lee Hedrick

missions & senior adult pastor | contact

"Our desire is to have hearts that are willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Missions is relational, physical, and emotional. There are ways to serve for every age. The Lord will equip you with the skills if you have the heart to serve." 

Our desire is for every person who walks through the doors of Rich Fork Church to know they matter. We want them to feel seen and known.

Our volunteers are the key to showing Christ's love to first-time guests, regular attenders, and those in our community who may never attend Church. Loving people well is the key!

Ways to Serve

  • Rich Fork member for at least 6 months
  • Completed Rich Fork 101
  • Active follower of Jesus
  • Completed Background Check

love them well


  • Greeters
  • Safety Team
  • Golf Cart Drivers
  • Medical Team
  • Grow Group Leader
  • Sunday School Class Leader
  • Special Event Assistance

ways you can serve:


join a team at rich fork

Serving is a great way to get connected with others and make a difference. It's also a great way to make a big church feel like your church.

Welcome Team

Greeters, Golf Carts, Safety, Medical


Birth to 5-Years Old


Kinderarten to 5th Grade


2-Years old - 5th Grade


6th Grade to 12th Grade

special needs

5-Years Old to Adult

adult leaders

Help Lead GROW Groups


Sunday Worship and Production

volunteer form

"I love being able to have eye contact with everyone that walks through the door and offering them a smile and a kind word.

- sharon B.

We don't know what people are walking in the doors carrying in their hearts and to let them know that they are seen and loved is a great honor and blessing."


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find more at rich fork

rich fork church

3993 Old Highway 29
Thomasville, NC 27360
336.476.6258 | map

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