our ultimate goal...

We want you to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to shape our communities with grace and truth by being the hands and feet of Jesus .

Hurricane Helene Assistance
Pray. give. go. 

Get involved

Every child deserves a safe, stable, and loving home. Learn more about our foster and adoption partnerships within our community.

Explore Global

From nationwide partnerships to West Africa, Central America, and beyond, we work to build communities and churches to spread the Gospel.

Global Missions

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There are many ways you can go on mission! Join us in building wheelchair ramps, disaster relief trips, Women on Mission projects.

Local Missions

explore Missions

Make a Mission
Trip Payment

Explore our local partner ministries and learn ways you can get involved in our community to make a difference!

Partner Ministries

A weekly program that meets on Wednesday evenings for children ages 2 - 5th Grade focusing on Scripture memory that fully integrates evangelism, and utilizes long-term discipleship.


the great commission

"And Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.'”

matthew 28:18-20

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.””

acts 1:8

The goal of the Disaster Relief Ministry is to provide ways for Christians to minister to people who are hurting due to disasters. We partner with Baptist on Mission and the North American Mission Board to do work locally and nationwide. Some of the ways you can help respond are through: 
  • Recovery
  • Laundry and Showers
  • Feeding
  • Administration
  • Chaplaincy Volunteers

Coordinators: Ron and Ade Cromer

help us relieve suffering for those impacted by disasters

Disaster Recovery

The Lord will equip you with the skills if you have the heart to serve.


Interested in getting involved with missions?

contact lee to find ways to serve in our community and globally!

contact lee

Every year we have hundreds of requests for ramps to be built for those who have either lost their mobility or are experiencing challenges that make getting in and out of their home difficult.

We have a committed team of volunteers who are passionate about serving our community by building high-quality ramps for families in need. Anyone ages 13 and up can participate. 

Coordinator: Kevin Burger

make mobility possible for those who are wheelchair bound 

Wheelchair Ramps


This group of women are prayer-driven, finding ways to support our community and outreach efforts in both large and small ways. 

They do service projects in the community and host speakers to share about local and global missions that are impacting our world. 

Coordinator: Jill Hunt

furthering the mission of rich fork in the community

Women on Mission

Lee Hedrick

missions & senior adult pastor | contact

"Our desire is to have hearts that are willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Missions is relational, physical, and emotional. There are ways to serve for every age. The Lord will equip you with the skills if you have the heart to serve." 

Baptists On Mission exists to Glorify God by involving churches and Christians in meeting human needs in Jesus' name.
There are 19 ministries of Baptists on Mission. We believe that all Christians are called, gifted, and sent.

Baptists on Mission

The Church is God’s plan—you are God’s plan—to reach North America and the nations with the hope of the gospel, and the North American Mission Board is here to help.

North American Mission Board

Ministry Partners

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FGFRC offers assistance with a food pantry, emergency financial assistance and, parenting classes on an ongoing basis.

fairgrove family resource center

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The Father’s Storehouse has their hearts set on showing people the Love of Jesus through meeting basic needs at urgent times in their lives including food, clothing, etc.

fathers storehouse

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CCM provides for legitimate, immediate, emergency needs of Thomasville area citizens relating to health, food, and housing, moving them toward self-sufficiency.

Cooperative Community Ministry

Donations: Yes     Volunteers: Yes

Donations: Yes    Volunteers: Yes

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Provides programs and activities as well as meals to senior adults in Davidson County.

davidson county senior services

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We are dedicated to ensuring that our community's kids and youth have greater access to quality programs and services that will enhance their lives and shape their futures.

boys and girls club
davidson county

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Caring for and providing care for foster families in Davidson County.

1amj3 lexington

Donations: No     Volunteers: Yes

Donations: Yes    Volunteers: No

Donations: Yes     Volunteers: Yes

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To minister to the needs of those in our communities who lack resources to access quality health care.

davidson medical ministry

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To provide counseling, crisis intervention and youth development programs to strengthen individuals, families and our community.

family services of davidson county

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Organization sponsored by local individuals and area churches to aide the area's hungry and homeless with clothing, food, and shelter.

davidson county first hope ministries

Donations: No     Volunteers: Yes

Donations: Yes    Volunteers: Yes

Donations: Yes     Volunteers: No

Global Missions

Fall and Spring Outreach events in partnership with Crossroads Church of Long Island.

Long Island, NY

We collect Coats for the City and host an Evangelistic Baseball Camp in partnership with Graffiti 2 Community Ministries.

Bronx, NY

We head west to help with construction projects, building churches, and remodeling.

rocky mountain baptist association

West Coast Missions

Eastern North Carolina has some of the poorest counties in the nation, including Robeson County. The poverty here is worse than many foreign countries. Must be at least 13 years old and if under 18, you need to have a parent attend with you.

Red Springs Mission

Empowering communities with resources, teaching, with the ultimate goal being for them to grow their own churches, do ministry with their local people and grow to sustain their church financially.

planting churches and pastoral support

West Africa

We have been serving in Honduras since 1992 with partnerships in building churches, leading children camps, medical, and door to door evangelism. We excited to announce we now have partnerships in Costa Rica as well.

honduras & Costa Rica

Central America

get the guide


prayer for the lost

Learn more

We partner with NC Baptists and Baptist Children's Homes of North Carolina to provide training and resources for families in our community who feel called to foster and adopt.

every child deserves a safe, stable, and loving home.

Foster Care

Kelly James

family ministries director | contact

"The Lord uses our children just as much as He uses adults. He placed tremendous value on them and we should do nothing less. We are called to faith like a child, which means we have a great deal to learn from them. Every adult needs to be reminded what childlike faith looks like and that faith needs to be cultivated." 


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rich fork church

3993 Old Highway 29
Thomasville, NC 27360
336.476.6258 | map

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